Advantages of Golang for Concurrent Programming

Have you ever tried to write concurrent code in languages like Java or C++? If so, you know how tedious and messy it can be dealing with threads, locks, and race conditions. There’s a better way. Golang, aka Go, is Google’s programming language designed specifically for building simple, reliable, and efficient software. One of Go’s major advantages is how easy it makes writing concurrent programs. Go provides built-in primitives that make it simple to spawn goroutines (lightweight threads) and use channels to communicate between them. You don’t have to worry about locks or race conditions. Go handles all that for you under the hood. If you’re interested in learning a modern language tailored for concurrency and scalability, Golang is worth exploring. In this article, we’ll dive into the advantages of Golang for concurrent programming and show some examples of just how easy it can be.

What Is Golang?

What Is Golang?

Golang, also known as Go, is a programming language developed by Google. It’s a statically typed, compiled language designed for building simple, reliable and efficient software.

Some of the major benefits of Golang for concurrent programming are:

  1. Built-in concurrency support. Golang has built-in primitives like goroutines and channels that make concurrency easy. A goroutine is a lightweight thread managed by the Go runtime. Channels are the pipes that connect goroutines.

  2. Fast compilation. Golang compiles quickly to machine code, so you can build and run your concurrent programs rapidly.

  3. Garbage collected. Golang has a built-in garbage collector that frees you from manually managing memory. This makes concurrent programming more productive and less error-prone.

  4. Easy to read and write. Golang has a simple, clean syntax that is easy to read and write, which helps reduce bugs in complex concurrent systems.

  5. Scales well. Golang’s lightweight threads and message passing make it great for writing programs that scale to many CPUs. You can easily spin up thousands of goroutines if needed.

  6. Widely used. Golang is used by many major tech companies for concurrent and distributed systems. Everything from web servers to data processing pipelines. The language is battle-tested and continues to gain more mainstream adoption.

In summary, Golang is an easy, efficient and scalable language ideally suited for modern concurrent programming. If you want to build robust concurrent software, Go is a great choice.

Why Use Golang for Concurrent Programming?

Why Use Golang for Concurrent Programming?

Go, also known as Golang, is a modern programming language developed by Google that makes it easy to write reliable and efficient software. One of the strengths of Go is its built-in support for concurrency, the ability to execute multiple processes simultaneously.

Go provides lightweight threads called goroutines and channels for communication between goroutines. This makes it simple to write concurrent programs without many of the headaches of thread-based models. Goroutines require little memory overhead and are extremely lightweight, with thousands easily running on a single system.

Some of the main benefits of using Go for concurrent programming are:

  • Easy to read and write. The syntax of Go is clean and simple, making concurrent code easy to read and write.

  • Built-in primitives. Go has built-in primitives like goroutines and channels that make concurrency straightforward to implement.

  • Scalable. Goroutines are very lightweight, allowing you to have thousands of concurrent operations running efficiently.

  • Reliable. The strong typing and compile-time checks of Go mean that many errors are caught before runtime. This results in more robust concurrent software.

  • Efficient. Go compiles to native code, so concurrent programs written in Go tend to be fast. They also have a small memory footprint due to the lightweight goroutines.

In summary, Go is an excellent language for writing clean, scalable, and robust concurrent software. The built-in primitives and focus on simplicity allow you to write concurrent code that is easy to read, debug, and maintain. So if you’re looking to improve performance and scale your applications, give Go a try!

Built-in Concurrency Features of Golang

Golang was designed with concurrency in mind. Some of the built-in features that make concurrent programming easy in Golang include:


Goroutines are lightweight threads that allow you to execute functions concurrently. You can spawn thousands of goroutines without worrying about performance loss. Goroutines are multiplexed onto threads by the Go runtime.

To start a new goroutine, use the go keyword followed by a function invocation. For example:


go doSomething()


This will execute the doSomething function concurrently.


Channels are the pipes that connect goroutines. You can send values into channels from one goroutine and receive those values into another goroutine.

To define a channel, use the chan keyword:


c := make(chan int)


This creates a channel that can send and receive int values.

You can then send to a channel using the <- operator:


c <- 1 // Send 1 to the channel


And receive from a channel using the same operator:


x := <- c // Receive from c and assign to x



The select statement allows a goroutine to wait on multiple communication operations. It blocks until one of the operations can proceed, then it executes it. It chooses one at random if multiple are ready to proceed.

For example:


select {

case c1 <- 1:

// Send to c1

case x := <-c2:

// Receive from c2 and assign to x


// Run if no other case is ready



Golang’s built-in concurrency features like goroutines, channels, and select make it a great language for concurrent and parallel programming. The ease of writing concurrent programs is one of the main advantages of using Golang.

Goroutines for Lightweight Threading

Goroutines are one of the most powerful features of Go for concurrent programming. Goroutines are lightweight threads managed by the Go runtime. They are cheap to create and scale to millions of goroutines.

Extremely Lightweight

Goroutines are lightweight because they are managed by the Go runtime, not the OS kernel. This means you can have hundreds of thousands of goroutines in a program without any significant impact. Goroutines are multiplexed onto OS threads, so you can have many more goroutines than threads.

Asynchronous Communication

Goroutines enable asynchronous communication through channels. Channels are the pipes that connect concurrent goroutines. You can send values through channels from one goroutine to another. This allows goroutines to communicate and synchronize without needing to use locks.

Easy to Use

Using goroutines is very easy. You just use the go keyword followed by a function invocation. For example:


func doSomething(s string) {

// function body here


func main() {

go doSomething("hello")

// rest of code here



This will run the doSomething() function in a new goroutine. The main goroutine will continue executing immediately after the go statement.

Goroutines make it easy to write concurrent programs in Go. They are lightweight, scalable and the channels provide a simple way for goroutines to communicate. Goroutines are a very powerful primitive for building concurrent applications in Go.

Channels for Communication Between Goroutines

Channels are one of the most powerful features of Go for communicating between goroutines. Channels act as conduits for sending and receiving values between goroutines.

Defining a Channel

You define a channel type by specifying the type of values it can transport:


chan int // channel of ints

chan string // channel of strings

chan MyType // channel of MyType values


Sending and Receiving

To send a value on a channel, use the <- operator:


chan <- 5 // send 5 on the channel


To receive a value from a channel, use the <- operator in the opposite direction:


value <- chan // receive from the channel and assign to value


Buffered vs Unbuffered Channels

By default, channels are unbuffered, meaning they will only accept sends if there is a corresponding receive ready to receive the sent value. Buffered channels accept a limited number of values without a corresponding receiver.


chan int // unbuffered channel

chan int <- 10 // buffered channel of size 10


Closing a Channel

To close a channel and indicate that no more values will be sent, use the close() function:


close(chan int)


After a channel has been closed, receives will continue to work until the channel is drained. Any attempts to send on a closed channel will panic. Closing a nil channel results in a panic.

Using channels, you can implement powerful concurrent programs and communicate between goroutines. Channels enable you to synchronize execution and pass values between goroutines in a safe way, leading to elegant concurrent software designs.

The Select Statement for Channel Operations

The select statement is one of the most powerful features of Go for concurrent programming. It allows a goroutine to wait on multiple communication operations.

Listening for Events

A select block waits for cases, which are communications on channels. It randomly picks one available case to proceed with. If multiple cases are ready to proceed, it chooses one at random. If none are ready, the default case is executed.

For example, say you have two channels c1 and c2, and you want to read from the first channel that sends a message. You can do:


select {

case msg1 := <-c1:


case msg2 := <-c2:




This will block until one of the channels c1 or c2 sends a message.

Default Selection

By adding a default case, you can avoid blocking altogether. For example:


select {

case msg1 := <-c1:


case msg2 := <-c2:



println("no message received")



This will print “no message received” immediately if no message is available on c1 or c2. Then, it will execute one of the channel cases as soon as a message is received on either channel.

The select statement is a powerful tool for managing concurrent events in your Go programs. By listening on multiple channels, you can react to events as they happen and avoid unnecessary blocking. The default case is useful to prevent hanging when no communication is immediately available. Using these tools, you can build highly responsive concurrent systems in Go.

Mutexes and Atomic Operations for Synchronization

Golang provides built-in primitives for synchronization between goroutines. These include:


A mutex is a mutual exclusion lock. It allows multiple goroutines to synchronize access to a shared resource by locking and unlocking it. Only one goroutine can lock a mutex at a time.

To use a mutex, first define it:


var mutex sync.Mutex


Then lock it before accessing the shared resource:



// access shared resource



Once a goroutine locks a mutex, no other goroutine can lock it until it is unlocked. This ensures that only one goroutine at a time can access the shared resource.

Atomic Operations

For simple atomic operations, you can use the sync/atomic package. This includes functions like:

  • AddInt32() and AddUint32() to atomically add to an integer

  • CompareAndSwapInt32() and CompareAndSwapUint32() to conditionally set a value if it equals a previous value

  • LoadInt32() and LoadUint32() to atomically load an integer value

These can be useful for simple counter increments, or optimistic locking patterns.

Using mutexes and atomic operations properly will ensure your concurrent Goroutines synchronize and coordinate access to shared memory safely. This helps avoid data races and ensures the correctness of your concurrent programs in Golang.

Some other useful concepts for concurrency in Go include:

•Channels – Used to communicate between goroutines.

•WaitGroups – Used to wait for groups of goroutines to finish.

•Once – Used to execute code only once.

•Cond – Used to block goroutines until a condition is met.

Applying these concurrency primitives and concepts will make you a master of writing highly concurrent programs in Go! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Leveraging Multiple CPUs With GOMAXPROCS

The Go programming language makes it easy to leverage multiple CPU cores to improve the performance of concurrent programs. By setting the GOMAXPROCS environment variable, you can specify the number of OS threads that can execute Go code simultaneously.

How It Works

Go will start the given number of OS threads, and will schedule the goroutines that compose a program across those threads. By increasing the number of threads, more goroutines can run at once, allowing Go programs to make better use of multiple CPU cores.

For example, if you have an 8-core CPU and set GOMAXPROCS=8, Go will start 8 OS threads that can run goroutines concurrently. Without setting GOMAXPROCS, Go will default to only using one thread.

When To Increase GOMAXPROCS

You’ll want to increase GOMAXPROCS when your Go program is CPU bound, meaning performance is limited by the speed of your CPU cores rather than I/O or other external factors. Some examples of CPU-intensive Go programs that would benefit from a higher GOMAXPROCS setting include:

  • Image processing or video encoding

  • Mathematical computations

  • Machine learning model training

  • Web servers handling CPU-intensive requests

Increasing GOMAXPROCS for I/O-bound programs will not provide any benefit and may even slightly reduce performance. As with the “three bears”, choose a GOMAXPROCS value that is “just right” for your use case.


You can set GOMAXPROCS in a few ways:

  • As an environment variable: export GOMAXPROCS=8

  • On the command line: go run -GOMAXPROCS=8 main.go

  • Programmatically in your Go code: runtime.GOMAXPROCS(8)

Whichever method you choose, be sure to set GOMAXPROCS before executing any Go code. By properly utilizing GOMAXPROCS, you can build Go programs that leverage the full power of multi-core CPUs and achieve maximum performance.

Real-World Examples of Concurrent Golang Programs

Golang’s powerful concurrency features enable you to write efficient real-world concurrent programs. Here are a few examples:

Web servers

Golang’s net/http package makes it easy to write fast web servers. The http.ListenAndServe() function starts a server that listens on a port and handles incoming requests. Each request is handled in its own goroutine, so the server can handle many concurrent requests efficiently.

Distributed systems

Golang’s concurrency features are useful for building distributed systems. For example, a load balancer could spawn goroutines to handle incoming requests and distribute them among backend servers. A database sharding system could have goroutines coordinate between database servers. A cache could have goroutines to handle gets, puts and invalidations.

Data processing pipelines

Golang is great for building data processing pipelines and other producer/consumer problems. For example, you could have goroutines read from Kafka, process the data, and write to Elasticsearch. Or have goroutines download images, resize them, and save them to disk. The channels between stages allow fast and efficient passing of data between goroutines.

Monitoring and logging

Golang’s concurrency is useful for monitoring and logging systems. For example, you could have goroutines to:

  • Read metrics from a statsd server

  • Tailing log files and pushing new log entries to Elasticsearch

  • Querying servers for health checks and updating a dashboard

  • Receiving alerts and notifying on-call engineers

The simplicity of Golang combined with its powerful concurrency features make it an excellent choice for building highly scalable real-world systems and infrastructure. The above examples just scratch the surface of what’s possible. Golang is enabling a whole new generation of fast, efficient, distributed and concurrent software systems.


So there you have it, some of the key reasons why Golang is a great choice for concurrent and parallel programming. With built-in support for goroutines and channels, Golang makes it easy to spin up lightweight threads and have them communicate efficiently. The simplicity of the language also means there’s less chance of introducing subtle bugs in your concurrent code. Overall, Golang provides a really nice set of primitives for building robust and scalable concurrent software. If you haven’t tried it out yet, give Golang a shot for your next concurrent project. You might just become a fan!

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