So you’ve heard about GraphQL and how it’s changing API development, but you’re not sure where to start. GraphQL is a query language for APIs that gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more. It makes building APIs faster, easier, and more flexible. If you’re ready to take the plunge into GraphQL, this guide will walk you through the basics and have you building your first GraphQL API in no time.
What Is GraphQL and Why Does It Matter?
So what exactly is GraphQL and why should you care? GraphQL is a query language for APIs that gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need.
It’s an alternative to REST APIs. Rather than exposing endpoints that return fixed data structures, GraphQL exposes a single endpoint and lets the client specify what data it wants in a query.
It gives the frontend more control. GraphQL empowers frontend developers to get the exact data they need for their UI components. No more over-fetching or making extra API calls to get related data.
It’s flexible. GraphQL APIs can deliver data from multiple sources in a single query. This means you can build APIs that stitch together data from databases, microservices, and third-party APIs.
It evolves with your needs. Since GraphQL APIs are defined by a schema, you can add new types and fields without impacting existing queries. This makes GraphQL a great fit for fast-moving applications.
For companies building web and mobile apps, GraphQL can seriously improve developer productivity and reduce bandwidth needs. The ability to fetch data with a single query reduces the chattiness between client and server. And the flexibility to evolve the API without breaking changes allows teams to move fast.
Overall, GraphQL is a query language and runtime that gives API developers superpowers. If you’re building APIs to power web or mobile apps, GraphQL is worth a close look. The future is flexible, efficient APIs – and GraphQL can get you there today.
How GraphQL Improves API Development
As an API developer, GraphQL is a game changer. Instead of building separate endpoints for every resource and action in your API, GraphQL uses a single endpoint. Clients get exactly the data they request in a single call.
How does this help you as an API developer? For starters, you only have to build and maintain one API endpoint instead of dozens. This vastly reduces complexity and opportunity for error. It also gives you a flexible, evolving API that can easily adapt to changes in your data models and client needs.
With a traditional REST API, adding or changing resources requires building new endpoints and updating clients to use them. But with GraphQL, you just update the schema, and clients automatically get the new data in their existing queries.
GraphQL uses a strongly-typed schema to define capabilities of the API. This functions as documentation for developers and also enables powerful tools for linting, testing, and IDE integration.
The GraphQL schema is hierarchical, so you can query for exactly the fields you need, at any depth. This prevents over-fetching and reduces network traffic compared to REST APIs where you often get too much data back.
For an enterprise developer, GraphQL’s benefits are huge: faster development, simplified API maintenance, reduced complexity, and flexibility to evolve. If you’re building web or mobile apps, GraphQL allows you to create a tailored data fetching experience for users. The future of API development is here, and its name is GraphQL.
Setting Up a GraphQL Server
Choosing a GraphQL Library
To build a GraphQL API, you’ll need a GraphQL library for the server-side language you want to use. The two most popular options are:
GraphQL for JavaScript (Node.js), also known as GraphQL.js
Graphene for Python (Django, Flask)
For this guide, we’ll use GraphQL.js. To install it, run:
npm install graphql
Defining a Schema
A GraphQL schema defines the capabilities of your API. It specifies:
The types of objects you can query
The fields they have
The types of queries and mutations you can perform
For example, a simple schema could look like this:
type Query {
hello: String
This defines one query, hello
, that returns a String
Implementing Resolvers
Resolvers provide the instructions for resolving queries and mutations in the schema. For the hello
query above, the resolver would be:
const resolvers = {
Query: {
hello: () => 'Hello world!'
This simply returns the string "Hello world!"
when the hello
query is executed.
Putting it Together
To put together a basic GraphQL server, you need:
A schema defining your API
Resolvers that implement the queries and mutations in the schema
The GraphQL.js library to tie it all together
A minimal example would be:
const { graphql, buildSchema } = require(‘graphql’)
// Construct a schema
const schema = buildSchema(`
type Query {
hello: String
// Define resolvers
const resolvers = {
Query: {
hello: () => 'Hello world!'
// Create an HTTP server and a GraphQL endpoint
app.use(‘/graphql’, graphql({ schema, resolvers }))
This sets up a /graphql
endpoint that executes queries against the schema and resolvers. A query like { hello }
would return {"hello": "Hello world!"}
Constructing a GraphQL Schema
Schema Definition Language
The GraphQL schema defines the data that can be queried and the types of objects in your API. It is written in Schema Definition Language (SDL), which looks very similar to JSON. For example, here is a simple schema with a Query type and Planet object type:
type Query {
planet(id: ID!): Planet
type Planet {
id: ID!
name: String!
mass: Int
diameter: Int
gravity: Float
This defines a Planet object type with several fields, and a query named planet that takes a planet ID and returns a Planet.
Object Types
Object types represent the data objects in your API. They contain fields which define the schema of that object. For example, the Planet type has name, mass, diameter, and gravity fields.
Scalar Types
Scalar types represent primitive data types in the schema. GraphQL has built-in scalars for strings, integers, floats, booleans, and more. You can also define your own custom scalar types.
Defining a Query
The Query type defines the entry points into your API. Each field on the Query type defines an API query/endpoint. In the example above, the planet query fetches a single Planet object by its ID.
Fields can have arguments to specify their behavior. In the example, the planet query has an id argument which specifies which planet to fetch. Arguments can be marked as required (non-null) with !.
Non-Null Values
GraphQL allows you to mark any type, scalar, object, field, or argument as non-null by appending !. This means a value must be provided and cannot be null. In the schema example, name, id, and the id argument are marked as non-null.
Celestiq uses GraphQL to build robust APIs for our clients. The flexibility of the GraphQL schema allows us to create tailored data models that suit each client’s needs. Let us know if you have any other questions about GraphQL schema design or API development!
Querying a GraphQL API
Querying the API
Once you have a GraphQL API set up, you can start querying it to retrieve data. Queries are sent to the API’s endpoint, which is often called /graphql
. You define a query using the GraphQL query language, which allows you to retrieve exactly the data you need.
For example, say you have a Product
type in your API with fields like id
, name
, price
, and image
. You can query for a single product like this:
product(id: 5) {
This will return just the name
and price
for product with ID 5.
You can also query for multiple products:
products {
This will return the name
for all products.
GraphQL queries can get much more complex, allowing you to:
Query nested objects. For example, get the
for aproduct
.Use arguments to filter, paginate, and sort query results.
Query for connections between objects. For example, get the
for aproduct
The flexibility of the GraphQL query language allows your API consumers to retrieve exactly the data they need in a single request. This improves performance and developer experience compared to REST APIs where multiple requests are often needed to get related data.
The GraphQL schema you define acts as a “contract” between your API and its consumers. By looking at the schema, developers know exactly what queries and data are available, making your API self-documenting and easy to use.
Overall, GraphQL makes building and using APIs faster and more efficient for both API creators and consumers. The strong typing and hierarchical nature of GraphQL gives you confidence that your API is robust and scalable.
The Future of API Development With GraphQL
GraphQL is becoming increasingly popular and is shaping the future of API development. Here are some of the ways GraphQL improves the API experience:
GraphQL gives clients flexibility in the data they request. Instead of receiving fixed data from a typical REST API endpoint, clients can query GraphQL APIs and specify exactly what data they need. This allows frontend developers to get only the data they need for a view, rather than fetching and filtering through unnecessary data.
GraphQL reduces the number of API calls needed to render views. With a typical REST API, you often need to make multiple requests to different endpoints to get all the data for a view. GraphQL allows you to make a single call and specify all the data you need. This improves performance and efficiency.
GraphQL has a strong type system that allows APIs to be self-documenting. The GraphQL schema precisely defines the capabilities of the API, making it easy for developers to explore and work with the API.
The future is bright
GraphQL continues to gain popularity and support. Major companies like GitHub, Twitter, Netflix, and PayPal offer public GraphQL APIs. Frameworks and tools for building GraphQL APIs are abundant. With its flexibility, efficiency, and maintainability benefits, GraphQL is poised to shape the future of API development.
GraphQL improves the API experience for both backend and frontend developers. Its flexibility, efficiency, maintainability and growing popularity shows why GraphQL is the future of API development.
You now have a foundational understanding of GraphQL and how it can transform the way you build APIs. The flexibility, efficiency, and power of GraphQL enable you to craft exactly the data your users need. As you continue to explore GraphQL, you’ll find more ways to leverage its capabilities and build even better developer experiences. The future of API development is here – are you ready to jump in and see what you can build? GraphQL opens up a whole new world of possibilities, so go start tinkering! You’ve got the basics down, now get out there and build something awesome.